8 ROBINSON AVENUE, DANBURY CT 06810-5517 | 203-748-8177
Parish Pastoral Council
In the Diocese of Bridgeport, each parish is to have a parish pastoral council whose function is to foster greater participation of the entire parish in the pastoral life and mission of the parish and the Diocesan Church. (Diocese of Bridgeport Parish Pastoral Council Guidelines)
St. Joseph Church in Danbury has a Parish Pastoral Council which serves as a consultative body to advise and assist the Pastor in developing a pastoral plan and provide input on issues of pastoral care and concern. The Parish Pastoral Council meets during the year. Members are appointed by the Pastor.
The current Parish Pastoral Council members are listed below:
Rev. Eric Silva, Parish Administrator
Mark Azzara
Joseph Blanco
Joseph Ferrara
George Godfrey III
Constance LaGratta
Anne Leclercq
Martin Nissly
Ryan Moore
Jerry Palanzo
Mary Ellen Ryer
Lisa Schneider
Maria Merino-Schweitzer
Antonia Stalzer
Brian Walsh
Barbara Whitlock
Deacon Bill Timmel
Rev. Harry Prieto
Dr. Louis F. Howe Jr., St. Joseph School representative
Jeanne Spain, St. Joseph School representative
St. Joseph Parish
Reverend Eric W. Silva, Parish Administrator
8 Robinson Avenue
Danbury, Connecticut 06810-5517
Telephone Number: (203) 748-8177
Office Email: recstjoseph@yahoo.com
Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00am-4:00pm
Faith Formation Office 203-778-1920
St. Joseph School 203-748-6615