8 ROBINSON AVENUE, DANBURY CT 06810-5517 | 203-748-8177
Adult Education
Check the bulletin for information on topics, such as Bible study, which are explored to further enhance the liturgy and the Catholic faith. Programs are offered seasonally.
Altar Servers
Parents who have children in the 4th grade and up, that would like to become altar servers, should contact the parish office.
Contact: Fr. Silva (203) 748-8177, frsilva@diobpt.org
Bereavement Ministry
St. Joseph Bethany Mass once a month for recently deceased members of the parish. Dates listed in bulletin.
Provides outreach to families and loved ones.
Contact: Mrs. Anne Leclercq (203)748-8177
Fairfield County Catholic Cemeteries of the Diocese of Bridgeport
For information:
Boy Scout Troop 33
Boy Scout Troop 33 meets Thursday evenings from 7:30 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.
in the Carmen Buck Religious Education Building.
All boys ages 6th grade to 18 years old are welcome to join.
Contact: Dr. Gerald Gibson, 203-797-1788 Email: dantroop33@gmail.com
Council of Catholic Women
The Saint Joseph Women's CCW meets on the second Monday of each month in the Carmen Lucia Buck Religious Education Building at 11:00 A.M. The rosary maker ministry is a part of this group.
President: Mrs. Barbara Whitlock (203) 791-0232
Faith Formation
Religious Education classes are held for students in grades 1-8. Enrollment in Religious Education takes place in the late spring and early summer. See the Faith Formation page on this website for more information.
Contact: Faith Formation Office (203) 778-1920
Eucharistic Ministers (Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Eucharist)
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Eucharist who serve the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass, and to the sick and homebound.
Contact: Mrs. Anne Leclercq (203) 748-8177
Readers (Lectors)
Readers who proclaim the Scripture at Mass and other liturgical services.
Contact Office: Mrs. Anne Leclercq (203) 748-8177
Liturgical Linen Services
Volunteers responsible for the preparation and care of the altar linens. This includes the washing and ironing of purificators, corporals and altar linens.
Contact Office: Rectory Office, Monday-Friday 9:00 A.M-4:00 P.M. (203) 748-8177
Little Flowers
Little Flowers is a club for Catholic girls K-8 who, with their moms, learn about the saints and how to put virtue into practice. Each meeting has lively presentations, crafts, and activities led by mothers in the group. Badges and medals for the virtues are earned by completing activities at home and are worn on a blue sash, uniting the girls to the Blessed Mother. The group meets once a month on first Tuesdays from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm in Saint Joseph Carmen Buck Religious Education Building.
Contact: Mrs. Jennifer Suess (203) 733-6782
Men's Group
The Saint Joseph Men’s Group meets Saturday at 7:00 A.M. in the Buck Religious Education Building. The men gather to share their faith and read and reflect on the Scripture readings.
Meetings end at 7:55 A.M. for those who wish to attend the 8:00 A.M. Mass.
Contact: Mr. Mark Azzara (203) 947-4012
Music Ministry
Saint Joseph services are enhanced by its music ministries.
Newcomers are always welcome to join our music program.
Organist And Choir Director: Mr. Robert Fertitta Cell (203) 722-8425 Home (203) 405-6145
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
RCIA is available to anyone who wishes to inquire about our faith, Baptism, or to complete initiation as Catholics with the sacraments of Eucharist and/or Confirmation.
Coordinators: Anne Leclercq & Fr. Silva (203)748-8177
Respect Life Group
Parishioners who are serious about their holy desire to transform the culture in which we live are making a difference. The group is meeting to unite witness to the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death.
Coordinator: Ms. Lani Gonzales (203) 512-1629
Volunteers who serve in the ministry of hospitality, offering a friendly welcome, assisting with seating, and taking up the worship offerings (the collections).
Contact: Mr. George Godfrey (203)748-8177
St. Joseph Parish
Reverend Eric W. Silva, Parish Administrator
8 Robinson Avenue
Danbury, Connecticut 06810-5517
Telephone Number: (203) 748-8177
Office Email: recstjoseph@yahoo.com
Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00am-4:00pm
Faith Formation Office 203-778-1920
St. Joseph School 203-748-6615