8 ROBINSON AVENUE, DANBURY CT 06810-5517 | 203-748-8177
Baptism is a family event. It's a special occasion in the life of your family, and in the life of the Church family. At birth, your child was born into your human family. In one wonderful moment he or she became related to a set of people - not only parents, brothers, and sisters, but also grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and many more! Just as it is good to gather the members of our immediate and extended families together for the celebration, it is fitting to celebrate baptism in the midst of our parish family. As members of the Church, we are all part of a family. Although some of the people you see at Mass may be relative strangers, we all share one of our most basic values: our faith in Christ and our membership in the Church.
That's one of the important reasons why we often celebrate baptism after Sunday Mass - the Church family is there. A second reason is the day itself. Sunday is the day Christ rose from the dead. That's why the Church has, from the beginning, gathered on Sunday to celebrate the Eucharist. In baptism we die to sin and rise with Christ to a new life as daughters and sons of God. So it is most appropriate to celebrate baptism on Sunday.
Baptism begins a process of initiation or membership in the Church that reaches its fulfillment when we share in the Eucharist. It is the first step of a three-step process: baptism, Eucharist, and confirmation. It is by sharing in the Eucharist that we become full members of Christ's body, the Church.
The role of godparents is to help their godchild lead a Christian life. Traditionally, the godparents are the ones who ensure that their godchild is given a Christian upbringing if the parents are no longer able to fulfill that responsibility. But they also help the parents in the ordinary circumstances of daily life-by their special concern for their godchild, by their example, and by whatever assistance they can provide in raising the child.
The godparents should be present at the baptism to profess their faith as representatives of the child's extended spiritual family and of the whole Church. During the liturgy, they declare their readiness to help the parents "in their duty as Christian mothers and fathers." Refer to page on Regulations for Godparents and Sponsors for Baptism and Confirmation.
Everyone Plays a Part
Baptism is a wonderful celebration in which everyone has an important part to play. As co-creators with God and as the primary influence on your child's life, your role as a parent is essential. And so in the celebration of baptism you also play an important role. You are the ones who present your child to the Church, give him or her a name, testify to the faith that you will share, and promise to be a good example to your child. The godparents whom you have chosen accompany you throughout the celebration and, hopefully, throughout the life of your child.
The celebrant, be it a priest or a deacon, represents the Church who welcomes your child. We are part of a global Church with a story that stretches over two thousand years. The presence of the Church's ordained minister reminds us that the body of Christ is larger than our parish, our country, or even our time! The priest or deacon also represents Christ himself who welcomes your child with open arms.
The Catechism teaches:
"The fruit of Baptism, or baptismal grace, is a rich reality that includes forgiveness of original sin and all personal sins, birth into the new life by which man becomes an adoptive son of the Father, a member of Christ and a temple of the Holy Spirit. By this very fact the person baptized is incorporated into the Church, the Body of Christ, and made a sharer in the priesthood of Christ" (CCC 1279).
St. Joseph Parish
Reverend Eric W. Silva, Parish Administrator
8 Robinson Avenue
Danbury, Connecticut 06810-5517
Telephone Number: (203) 748-8177
Office Email: recstjoseph@yahoo.com
Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00am-4:00pm
Faith Formation Office 203-778-1920
St. Joseph School 203-748-6615