Organization Contacts

Church Organizations 


Organization Contact Phone #
Altar Servers Fr. Silva & Fr. Harry 203-748-8177
Eucharistic Ministers Anne Leclercq 203-748-8177
Readers Anne Leclercq 203-748-8177
Choirs Robert Fertitta 203-722-8425
Director of Music & Organist Robert Fertitta 203-722-8425
Faith Formation (Religious Education) Maria Merino-Schweitzer 203-778-1920
Finance Council Lisa Schneider 203-746-5223
Council of Catholic Women Barbara Whitlock 203-791-0232
Knights of Columbus Ryan Moore 203-744-9562
Little Flowers Jennifer Suess 203-733-6782
Men's Group Mark Azzara 203-947-4012
Parish Pastoral Council Mary Ellen Ryer 203-748-3256
RCIA Anne Leclercq 203-748-8177
Respect Life Group Lani Gonzales 203-512-1629
Scouts Gerald Gibson 203-797-1788
Ushers George Godfrey 203-748-8177
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