St. Joseph Church, Danbury CT

Please come and pray with us.

Welcome to Saint Joseph Parish

The mission of St. Joseph Parish is

"To Make Christ Known"



Regular Mass & Confession Schedule

Weekday Masses:

* Monday-Friday  12:05 pm

* Saturday Morning Mass 8:00 am

Weekend Masses:

Saturday Anticipatory Mass:

 *4:00 pm Anticipatory Mass

Sunday Masses:

  7:30 am  Quiet Mass, * 9:30 am,   11:00 am, 5:00 pm

 * Live-streamed Mass


Saturday 11:00 am - 12:00 Noon and 3:00 pm - 3:45 pm

Livestream Masses:

Click Below to View

To see full screen, click on bottom right corner arrows

Lenten Giving Box

 The St. Joseph Council of Catholic Women will have a Lenten Giving Box, located at the foot of the Blessed Mother altar during Lent, to accept donations. Proceeds will benefit Birthright, Rosary makers, and the CCW Scholarship Fund.


Friday, March 28

5:30 - 7:30 PM

in the Church Hall

Fried Fish & Fries

Mac & Cheese, Coleslaw, Rolls

Beverages & Dessert

Adults $15, Kids/Seniors $10, Max Family Cost of $35

Sponsored by Knights of Columbus Council #29 

Your pledge will support the needed restoration of the historic Stained Glass Windows in our Church. 

Please use the QR Code or our Online Giving Page, or on the banner in the Church side vestibule, to make a pledge.  Pledge cards are also available at the Church Office . 

The restoration project goal is $1.4MM.

$720,000 has been raised toward our goal.

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